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St. Joe doesn’t look happy. Understandably.
This is not something of which I am particularly proud, but I did actually behead Saint Joseph. Not the real Saint Joseph, I mean, I’m old, but not that old, and by the way, does anyone know what happened to the real Saint Joseph? There he was, being an earthly dad to Jesus, and all of a sudden…nothing. It’s like he was fingered by the mob or something and just disappeared.
But I digress. My own mob hit on St. Joe was less dramatic than anything from Goodfellas (geez, Joe Pesci was scary in that!), but the poor guy still lost his head.
While this happened a few years ago, it bears repeating. Read the tale in The Huffington Post, and happy holidays![/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]
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