Ummm. The scents of suntan lotion and salt air. The feel of the sun caressing my skin. The freedom that comes from having no clocks, datebooks or planning to do. All of this and chocolate covered bacon too.
But it doesn’t end here. Just as you walk off a few of the fat cells from that ‘sweet & salty breakfast’ step on over to the Fried Oreo stand. Really? Yes, really. Oreo’s are pretty good in and of themselves. They really are; especially the double stuff and mint varieties. But if that wasn’t caloric enough, let’s add a little Funnel Cake dough (the stuff greasy donuts are made of) and drop it all in some more fat—only this time, deep-fried, hot fat. Ummm. Just what the doctor ordered in 90 degree heat and humidity. Gag me with spoon.
Frozen custard, caramel corn, pizza, funnel cake, fudge, salt water taffy round out the boardwalk menu. Is it me, or does it seem ironic that in a place where body image does matter, healthy food doesn’t? And when we see the muffin top, beer belly, love handles and cellulite wrapping around that latex swimsuit—well, we cringe, we comment, we look at our reflection in the souvenir window and OMG, is that me? Really, it’s all very ‘dis-tasteful.’

Ah yes, shore food. It’s absolutely terrible…for you, that is. But, and I can’t believe I’m admitting to this, I’ve actually tasted fried Oreos and they’re damn good. Of course, you can only eat a taste before your insides start to atrophy, which is why a nice, fresh Jersey peach is a much better option. Great post!