Picture of the Week
About the Author: Mary Fran Bontempo
MARY FRAN BONTEMPO is a speaker, author and humorist who teaches audiences to control their most powerful influence: Self-Talk. Author of The Woman’s Book of Dirty Words, and Not Ready for Granny Panties, Mary Fran proves small changes in self-talk yield big life changes, allowing individuals to redefine their lives both professionally and personally in a rapidly changing world.
A Huffington Post and Thrive Global contributor, and regular columnist for Women’s Voices Magazine and Best Kept Self, Mary Fran inspires and motivates readers and listeners to tame the self-talk beast, leading them to personal and professional renewal and success. After thirty years’ experience as owner of a full-service recruiting firm, and finding herself in the middle of a perfect life storm—turning 50, a crashing economy, and most devastating, a son with serious addiction issues—Mary Fran created the blog, Not Ready for Granny Panties, authoring two books in the series and developing a life-affirming brand full of practical wisdom and wit. A frequent media guest and speaker, audiences delight in her empowering and entertaining message.
Joanne: The very same.
She Shell: Oh boy! I’m glad the eagle won.
Chrysa: That is what I thought. The look like little children checking for cars.
Maybe this is the same pair my husband and I saw grazing in the cornfield at the corner of Rtes.
232 and 413 last Firday. Don’t they know this is a bad time of year for turkeys to make an appearance?
At one time, our forefathers wanted to make the turkey our national bird…………..then along came the Eagle!!!!!!
guess their mother taught them to look both ways. I haven’t seen wild turkeys in awhile. They used to wander around right across from my driveway—guess development moved them your way.
They were just waiting to cross the street.
looks like the start of Halloween week to me. These birds are creepy.
Love the picture. Saw about 35 or so of these birds this week, in one flock, in my community.